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NEWS LIVE TOUR 2013 report from August 9th in Kobe
The concert took place in Hotto Motto Stadium Kobe, so it was my first outdoor concert. It wasn’t so hard to find this place, because a lot of fangirls was heading towards this place, so I didn’t get lost. But as I came a bit later than I planned, I immediately rushed to buy goods. The weather was really nice, way too nice, and my head was burning by that incredible sunshine. But I was still happy, because I would be really sad if it had to be cancelled like the Tokyo concert. (which I btw planned to go to, thanks god I didn’t get the tickets).
After buying Shige’s uchiwa and the small case, just for that awesome logo and things for my friends, I went inside the stadium. My seat was of course standing seat and it was pretty far from that awesome stage. Take a look.
image credit to
On the photo it looks further than in real, but well…I was happy I’m there. My very first NEWS concert. They were my first group from JE I started to like and it took me so long to attend their concert. I still had some half hour until the start and by the meantime, another Shige fan sat next to me. She was a very nice a bit older Japanese girl. She was also alone, so we talked a bit. And in my seats section, there were way too many Shige fans, I was very surprised by his popularity.
17:30 The start!
As I expected, it started with the first song from the album, Compass , and some footage on screens.
After that NEWS came out from the center stage singing World Quest and I was so happy that my eyes got teary. I don’t remember the exact order, but the first part including WQ was Chankapaana, 4+FAN, Koi Matsuri, Nagisa no Onee-samaa, Pokoponpekorya (which was very cute and not annoying at all!). Basically just songs from the new album, which got us really excited mainly during Koi Matsuri when everyone swung their towels.
Then, their started to sing a LOT of their old b-sides. I was very surprised, I knew all, but I couldn’t remember some titles because I just don’t remember all the b-sides XD Songs like SCHOCK ME, Good News and Liar, which had a great great great intro on screen. And I’m not sure about DREAMS. Then some older album songs including BE FUNKY! (I love this song!).
There was again the marching troupe from their previous tour Utsukushii Koi ni suru yo. They sang Kibou Yell and others (NEWS NIPPON?), but I’m not sure which. After that, there were some jazzy/acoustic versions of Futari/130000000 no Kiseki and Summer Time and it was totally awesome. But I never got my Sakura Girl L
They couldn’t forget about their big hits Weeeek, Koi no ABO and Taiyou no Namida(I was surprised by this song as it was the main theme for Yamapi’s Kurosagi), Cherish (YAY!), also Fighting Man. Then another new album songs likeGreedier, Full Swing, Higher Ground, the WQ b-side Quntastic and I will never ever forget about Dance in the dark, because it was the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen. I was left with my mouth open after this performance.
And of course each of them got their new solo. Everyone had it different. The first one was Massu and Remedy and…just wow! I always thought that Massu is the great harmony between cute and hot, but….just wow :D It was so great! He danced a lot and the big screen showed a lot of his…ehm…things! :D I can’t forget to mention that Massu designed with the Costume-san all of their costumes. Kei-chan’s solo Beautiful Rain was really beautiful as the title says. His voice was so incredibly clear and pretty that I could listen to it the whole day. Shige’s Dreamcatcher reminded me a bit of something between Cacao and Vampire wa Kakukatariki. It was a bit jazzy, atmospheric and very cool. And last but not least, Tegoshi performed Lovin‘ you with a guitar accompanied with nice light effects. Very concert-like.
In the middle was the 30 minute long MC and it was the funniest MC I’ve ever seen (including all the JE DVD’s I saw).
On screens appeared a new letter from the „mysterious“ ‚J‘ we already know from the album dvd Life of NEWS. Kei-chan read it and it said they have a new task:
Your girlfriend is 30 minute late for your date. What will be your reaction when she arrives saying „Omatase!“(Sorry for waiting!)
So they decided that we all fans are Onee-sama and Onii-sama (:D because they called for all girls and then all boys to see how many are there). And so we had to scream „Omatase!“ every time someone of them was on turn. First was Tegoshi and Kei-chan said to him hundred of time to be serious, but of course it’s our little devil, he can't be serious about this and made a funny pun. Then it was Shige’s turn:
Onee-samas and Onii-samas: „Omatase!“(Sorry for waiting!)
Shige: „Oseeyo!“(You are late!)
Shige:“Ikuzo!“(We're going!)
Veeery tsundere and cool and ALL fans were going crazy. I seriously swear, Shige was the most popular one in this concert. And his aura, smile, laugh and captured all our hearts.
Kei-chan had some long talk and I don’t remember wthat Massu did and Tegoshi went once again and imitated Shige. Fans should decide in the end who was the best by applause and Shige won without a doubt. He was so happy J
Then they didn’t know what to do next, so Shige suggested another scene to be played out:
You see your girlfriend walking hand in hand with another boy. What is your reaction.
Tegoshi was decided to play the main role, Kei-chan was the another boy and Massu volunteered himself for the role of girlfriend happily :D Shige was coordinating everything(getting full of himself:D) and Kei-chan and Massu got mad, so they started to argue in the center of the stage. Like calling Shige in some more vulgar way and yell at him and he did the same, but it was so funny and Tegoshi was just laughing in the middle of it. Suddenly, it looked as they forgot that they are in the middle of a concert, so they apologised :D Tegoshi decided that the situation is while skating. So they started to do weird movements, which should be skating, but we all laughed so hard. Kei-chan and Massu hand in hand, Tegoshi stopping them with: Oi! That’s my girlfriend! And grabbing Massu to his side, leaving. And Kei-chan just stood there without reaction. So Shige just exclaimed: And what will you do Kei-chan? What will you do? (as a commentator:D) And Kei-chan just started to skate again asi if nothing happened. That was soo funny! :D
Then they talked, laughed and everything. It was so interesting! I almost rolled on the floor. I don’t know about other MCs (I suppose they got a different task at each concert) but this should be definitelly included in their DVD as a bonus! :D
The last song was Cry and also they talked again about some things. Kei-chan promised us that they will never, really never ever betray us again. They will continue to be NEWS from now on till....always J He was so serious while saying this. I was touched. The true leader of NEWS J
The encore was Happy Birthday, Koi Matsuri with firework and 4+FAN again. (Maybe I forgot something?) And at the end, they had a surprise for us. The most beautiful firework J Because I could watch it with them. And there were also shapes of the alphabets N, E, W and S.
I will never ever forget this great concert. Thank you very much my beloved NEWS. I love you.
image credits to
Oh and there were also many juniors (kansai ones and some tokyo ones), but it was too far to recognize someone XD.
And some small remarks from me:
Massu: He trolled Shige the whole time. For example once Shige stood up in front of camera under the stage, making a cool pose and suddenly, there was Massu behind him on stage making funny things, so in the end everybody ended up laughing and Shige didn't even know why :D
Kei-chan: Sometimes confused about the stage :D When he was supposed to head to "his" stage with the purple square, he went to Shige's circle :D So cute.
Tegoshi: Very nice person! He waved at my section a lot! And during MC rolling on the floor, so funny! :D
Shige: As I said. He was shining the most. When I remember the Diamond tour, where Kei-chan tried to support him, with screaming his name a lot, trying to instigate it to the fans, now....Shige is already on his own feet being loved by all NEWS fans :) He doesn't need Kei-chans support anymore. He has his own light, same as the other three.
The NEWS right now is the best what a Johnny's fan could wish for. A harmony between all members. It's true that Tegoshi sometimes seems as the front person, but in reality, when you see a live concert, it's not like that at all. The are all equal. I never thought a day like this will come and in the end I'm very thankful for Yamapi's and Ryo's departure. They had tough times, but the result is BECAUSE of that even more awesome. Once again, thank you NEWS ;)
Wow, this was the longest report of my life I think :D If anybody came until here, congratulations!
I think I will end this post with this, because it’s getting way too long. In some days I will update my LJ with the stories about my first meeting with
See you soon~
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