![Foto: (NEWS talking about this Koyatego Moment taken by Shige)
K: shige took picture of us with his phone and he will put on magazine later.
S: i saw what happened and thought it's really funny so i took the picture.
K: so please wait for the picture later.
S: what are you guys doing? both of you are guys u know!!
K: i kept saying "yameto yo!" he just "hmm yada~"
M: koyama said please stop it, but tegoshi who said " why can't i, it's not a problem right! just sit!" (tegoshi said little bit angry tone)
K: he just said "why can't i do this?!" *seems tegoshi's angry a bit coz keichan don't want him at his chest.*
M: i was sitting in front of them, so when i looked at them behind, they were sleeping like that.
[from NEWS Live Tour 2013 Osaka MC - cr: newskattuneito@lj]
massu, you sure you're not jealous and you're talking so much? xD
Ines Blanco](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/1378523_10152287175868761_573987576_n.jpg)
(NEWS hablando del momento Koyatego )
K: Shige nos tomo la foto y ahora saldra en una revista.
S: mire lo que paso y pense esto es tan divertido! y por eso tome la foto.
K: asi que por favor esperen para ver la foto despues.
S: que estaban haciendo chicos? ustedes son hombres lo saben?
K: yo seguia diciendo "yameto yo!" y el solo decia "hmm yada~"
M: koyama decia por favor detente pero Tegoshi le contesto "por que no puedo? no es un problema que lo haga o si? solo sientate !" (tegoshi lo dijo en un tono enojado)
K: el solo me decia "por que no puedo hacer esto ?!" *al parecer tegoshi estaba realmente molesto*
M: yo estaba sentado frente a ellos y cuando voletee a mirarlos estaban dormidos en esa posicion
[extraido de NEWS Live Tour 2013 Osaka MC - cr: newskattuneito@lj]
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