![Foto: #NEWS10th ►TRANS: 09.29.13 Sorashige Book segment
Shige got a fan mail which asked him about this photo (the special photo updated on J-web at 9/15, the hand from below is Tegoshi, Massu, Koyama, Shige) whether was taken by him or not. (According to the angle of it, that girl guessed the cameraman is Shige)
Shige said YES. It was taken after the Tokyo Dome special event on 9/7. He was planing to ask manager to take this of them, but later he thought maybe it's more meaningful to do this by himself.
So he used Koyama's mobile phone did this.(←why? XDD)
After that, Shige asked Koyama to pass the photo to him and then he modified the color to black&white by an app\(≧▽≦)/.
Shige said he also watched the special video on jehp.jp, as we know there has over 69,0000 clickings on that day~
09.29.13 Sorashige Book
Shige recibio un mail de parte de una fan que pregunto por la foto especial que se publico en el J-web el pasado 9/15, ( por cierto el orden de las manos es Tegoshi, Massu, Koyama, Shige) ella queria saber si Shige tomo esa foto
Shige dijo que SI! fue tomada despues del concierto del 7 de septiembre en el Tokyo Dome , el penso en pedirle a su manager que tomara la foto pero luego se dio cuenta de que era mas significativo si el mismo lo hacia.
Asi que uso el telefono de Koyama , luego le pidio la foto a Koyama param odificarla en blanco y negro y hacer las aplicaciones necesarias ...
Shige tambien comento qu miro el video espeical en la web y que ocmo sabemos tuvo mas de 690 mil visitas ese dia ~
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