
viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

LOVE 918

Buenos dias!! 

En estos momentos voy en  el tren bala hacia Tohoku 
 voy a cubrir para  "news every" 

Es muy temprano pero el clima es bueno  y puedo mirar por la ventana  las montañas y el cielo
  y son muy bonitos asi que me siento renovado!

Miraron el BEST ARTIST??

Fue muy divertido! 

Les ha gustado SEVEN COLORS? 

Ha sido la primera vez que la presentamos en TV

me senti aliviado cuando terminanos de cantarla 

es una cancion que te levanta los animos cierto? 

deseo poder cantarla de nuevo 

Por cierto se que Shige ya escribio sobre esto en el RING 

pero Tegoshi nos ha dado regalos! 

aun mejor eran de maple-chan!! 

Solo yo estaba contento incluso grite con alegria cuando me la dio!

La alegria de recibir jarabe de maple ademas de la alegria de pensar que la compro como un recuerdo para nosotros me puso muy feliz 

soy bastante sencillo de complacer huh?

Despues de eso me fui directo a casa y me la comi en  un waffle 

gracias Tegoshi! 

bueno trabajare  muy duro el dia de hoy pero a mi propio ritmo 

despues de todo cada uno tiene su propio ritmo 

sean fuertes todos! 


adpatacion al español NEWS MEXICO

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 

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PhotoShigenic #73


PhotoShigenic #73 AQUI

Agradecimientos creditos spilledmilk25@LJ 

Recuerden usar un traductor ^_^ 
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Descargar - SEVEN COLORS + Chankapaana + Talk (Best Artist 2013.11.27)

agradecimientos creditos y descargas AQUI

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jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Preview fotos christmas messages


[c:ya_chan83@tw/pochant310chasu@tw/ ss_kn_tf@tp/ yoko198674taka@tp]
agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 
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Wink Up 12.2013 - Qs from fans


Wink Up 12.2013 - Qs from fans

Agradecimientos y creditos spilledmilk25@LJ 

leer la entrada completa en ingles AQUI 

Recuerda usar un traductor ^_^ 
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miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013


Agradecimientos creditos y letra completa en ingles AQUI 
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Shigeaki Kato - Quiz somosen seppa !


Shigeaki Kato - Quiz somosen seppa !

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NEWS RING 99 Shige 27 de noviembre 2013

Traduccion en español pendiente

para leer la entrada orginal en ingles AQUI

agradecimientos y creditos NEWS4FANS

Cuando se trata de la palabra " bragas " ... (o panties)
El último carácter es "ti" ? "T "? "Yo "? "E ? " o ""?

No sé , así que voy a usar "ti" . Voy a dejar este asunto a la siguiente persona.
Ti ... Por supuesto, también significa té (té ) .

En general , cuando decimos " el té " , se refiere al té negro .
El Ryokucha es el té verde y oolong cha es el té Oolong .

Cuando usted piensa en los alimentos que van con el té negro , ¿qué serian?
Esto puede depender de si se trata de té con leche , limón, o normal, pero usted cree
seguramente pan, pastelería o algo asi , ¿no?

Por supuesto, no es el pan , sino también cosas como scones
o las empanadas de manzana ?
Apuesto a que también va con panqueques , muy de moda en el momento.

Pero yo no como estas cosas , de hecho , así que no lo sé !
En mi opinión , la acción del té negro probablemente disminuye más lentamente.
En  la cantidad  que lo beba , debe ser el café, el té verde, té oolong , té negro y, por último .

Aunque el café no es té , por supuesto !
Tal vez eso significa que soy un bebedor mas del café que te negro .
Esto es probablemente  cierto por eso llevo a casa.  un montón de té para mí ,  que me dan aquí y allá , pero ...
Yo no lo uso , así que es realmente es un desperdicio , ¿no?

Ahora que lo pienso ,  me hizo pensar en el hecho de que
Tegoshi -kun ayer me dio un recuerdo de su viaje en el extranjero.
Sí, él fue allí una vez más ~

"Espera ! Este es mi regalo para todos ustedes! "
Y miré en la botella que me dio para encontrar ...
Jarabe !Maple !

Dios mío , Koyama -kun. Koyama -kun , que tendra 30 años el próximo año  estaba demasiado contento  ...
" Wow , muchas gracias , Tegoshi !"

Y cuando terminamos  todavía había un montón de jarabe - de
-Maple san  en la bolsa  de Tegoshi -kun.

es claramente para sí mismo.
Pensé que no te gustaban las cosas dulces , Tegoshi -kun ?

en mi caso no creo usar el jarabe de maple desde  mis años de escuela secundaria .
Tal vez estoy exagerando ?

Pero gracias ! Sólo el hecho de que pensara en nosotros mientras estaba allí me hace feliz ...
(No estoy tratando de regresartelo , ¿de acuerdo? )

 Lo usaré ! Gracias, Tegoshi !
Pero, ¿cómo usare el jarabe de maple ?
Seguramente panqueques o algo así ... ? Tal vez pan frances
Podría ser bueno! Como tengo esta cosa ahora
tal vez debería tratar de comer un poco?

Sobre todas estas cosas sobre el té me dio la impresión
Necesito un poco  para el desayuno de todos modos!
Por cierto, sólo por haber hablado de jarabe se puede
 adivinar  facilmente dónde ( Tegoshi -kun )  ha ido, eh.?

En cualquier caso , hoy es BEST ARTIST . La canción de la
Copa Mundial de clubes , donde Tegoshi -san es el presentador ...
El título es " SIETE COLORES! "

Vamos a cantar y bailar en la televisión por primera vez en un
algún tiempo . Va a haber mucho baile. Y haremos otras canciones también!
Asegúrense de mirarlo!
Y aquí . Fue Kato- kun.

adpatacion al español NEWS MEXICO

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Presentacion BEST ARTIS 2013+ descarga mp3 SEVEN Colors



descargas pendientes

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martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

K chan news 27 de noviembre 2013

Invitado esta semana Shige!!! ^_^
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lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Agenda de actividades NEWS de los proximos dias

NEWS TV SCHEDULE [c: johnnys-net]

Nippon Television networks
11/26 (Tue) 4:00-5:50
※Video appearance
※Being a live broadcast, the contents are subject to change.


Nippon Television networks
11/26 (Tue) 5:50-8:00
※Video appearance
※Being a live broadcast, the contents are subject to change.


Nippon Television networks
11/26 (Tue) 10:25-11:25
※Video appearance
※Being a live broadcast, the contents are subject to change.

“news every.”

Nippon Television networks
11/27 (Wed) 16:53-19:00
※Video appearance
※Being a live broadcast, the contents are subject to change.

“日テレ系音楽の祭典 ベストアーティスト2013 (Nitterekei Ongaku no Saiten Best Artist 2013)”

Nippon Television networks
Wed. 11/27 from 19:00

“ミッドナイト お試しかっ! (Midnight Otameshi kaa!)”

TV Asahi
12/1 (Sun) 23:15-24:10
Yuya Tegoshi

“世界まる見え!テレビ特捜部SP (Sekai Maru Mie! TV Tokusobu Special)”

Nippon Television networks
12/2 (Mon) 19:00-20:54
Yuya Tegoshi

“FIFAクラブワールドカップモロッコ 2013 (FIFA Club World Cup Morocco 2013)”

Nippon Television networks
12/12 (Thu) - 12/22 (Sun)
Main commentator : Yuya Tegoshi

Opening match
12/12 (Thu) 25:40-28:00

12/14 (Sat) 24:50-27:00
12/15 (Sun) 4:00-6:30

Fifth place play-off
12/18 (Wed) 25:04-28:00

12/18 (Wed) 4:00-6:30
12/19 (Thu) 4:00-6:30

Third place play-off
12/21 (Sat) 24:59-28:00

12/22 (Sun) 4:00-6:30

※Japan time

TV Asahi 55th Anniversary
Matsumoto Seicho Drama Special
“三億円事件(San Oku En Jiken)”

TV Asahi networks
Broadcast January 2014
Yuya Tegoshi (as Kenji Hamano)


agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 
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SEVEN COLORS!! la nueva cancion de NEWS

Foto: #NEWS10th ►#NEW SONG!: the theme song for the #CWC 2013 name was revealed:『SEVEN COLORS』♪ by #NEWS!!!

*relevant information and release date have not yet been confirmed*


Yeiii hoy por fin fueron liberados algunos detalles de la nueva cancion de NEWS! se llamara SEVEN COLORS!! aun no hay fecha de lanzamiento para un nuevo sencillo ...

algunos previews de la cancion en diferentes noticieros de la mañana 

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 

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SORASHIGE BOOK 11.24.13 & ShigeGori WKTK 11.23.12

RADIO: SORASHIGE BOOK 11.24.13 [c: @kimdeux]

RADIO: ShigeGori WKTK 11.23.12 [c: @kimdeux]

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 
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LOVE 917

Agradecimientos y creditos NEWS4FANS AQUI 

El dia de ayer fui a ver una obra dirigida por Takeshige-san quien fue el director de la obra "Hello Goodbye"
Definitivamente queria ir por que recibi un texto que decia: 
"Kei-chan en verdad quiero que la veas" era el ultimo dia pero lo logre a como diera lugar!

Takeshige san y yo nos mantenemos en contacto por que soliamos salir juntos y hablar sobre actuar juntos mientras haciamos "Hello Goodbye"

En verdad disfrute su nueva obra , senti un poco de miedo pero me sumergi en la trama... fue asombroso

Despues de terminar fui a saludarlo y estaba muy emocionado, le dije mis pensamientos sobre la obra y acordamos en ponernos de acuerdo para salir a comer juntos muy pronto.

de todas formas Shabekuri 007 es el dia de hoy...

por que estaba este chico quitandose la ropa en los previews?

news every y Best artist pasaran este miercoles 

vamos a continuar creyendo en nosotros mismos y haciendo lo mejor que podamos esta semana 


adaptacion al español Mere Mere

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Descarga Mirai Teather episodio 86


agradecimientos, creditos y descargas AQUI 
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Descarga news every 20 de noviembre 2013


agradecimientos creditos y descargas AQUI
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viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

LOVE 916


Voy a tener el papel de presentador principal a las 16:00 hrs en news every el proximo año! 
Será de lunes a jueves

Este rol ha sido una meta en mi trabajo individual  y un sueño por el que he estado trabajando

El trabajo duro nunca pasa desapercibido.

Si lo crees y lo deseas con todas tus fuerzas se hara realidad

Yo no doy mi trabajo por seguro asi que estoy muy feliz y lo haré con todo mi corazón

Creo que soy capaz de lograr este rol gracias a mi posicion como Keiichiro Koyama de NEWS

Asi que espero que este trabajo beneficie a NEWS completamente
tengo la esperanza de que las personas conozcan a  NEWS por medio de mi

Chicos soy el lider dejenmelo a mi...

Es nuestra oportunidad  como NEWS de crecer como grupo

Vamos a hacer lo mejor que podamos 
Contamos con su apoyo

va a estar muy ajetreado desde ahora 

asi que quiero contar con ustedes cuando sea dificil



adpatacion al español de NEWS MEXICO 

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS
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Special cross-talk Kato Shigeaki & Yuto Nakajima Potato 12.2013

Potato 12.2013 - Special cross-talk
Kato Shigeaki & Yuto Nakajima


sigue leyendo AQUI 

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jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Preview LETTUCE CLUB 11.09


[ &]
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Preview Popolo enero 2014

►POPOLO 01.14 (9 fotos)
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Preview MYOJO enero 2014

Agradecimientos NEWS4FANS 
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Foto: #NEWS10th ►#INFO #magazines As you already know >.< Myojo  has a section called "nude:J". January issue comes with nude-#Tego in this section >_< ♥♥ 
#NEXT one for 2014.02 is our riida Koyama Keiichiro~♥
Will be Massu & Shige in the uncoming issues?!!! get ready panaas~♥♥

[c:image: momomo415@tw]

Por lo menos en la seccion de MYOJO nude:J el primero en salir en la edicion de enero 2014  es Tego en la edicion de febrero 2014 es Keii!! y el misterio es si Massu y Shige seguiran!!??  pero a que es un gran incentivo XD

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS

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miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

NEWS RING Massu 20 de noviembre 2013

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS leer traduccion al español AQUI 
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Agenda NEWS

Para los proximos dias 

11.20 - News Every [#Keii] NTV 16:53 JST & 17:53
11.22 - Mirai Theater [#KoyaShige] NTV 23:30 JST
11.23 - Honou no Taiiku Kai TV SP [#Massu] TBS 18:55 JST
11.24 - IttQ [#Tego] NTV 19:58 JST
11.25 - Shabekuri 007 [#Tego] NTV 22:00 JST
11.27 - BEST ARTIST 2013 [#NEWS] NTV 19:00 JST
11.30 - Soccer Earth [#Tego] NTV
12.01 - Midnight otameshika! [#Tego] TV ASAHI 23:15 JST
12.01 - Shin Domoto kyoudai [#Tego] FUJI TV 23:15 JST
12.02 - Sekai marumie [#Tego] NTV 19:56 JST

agradecimientos y creditos NEWS4FANS 

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Koyama sera titular en news every desde enero 2014!

Fue anunciado que Keii sera presentador titular de  news every!!!!!!!!! a partir del 6 de enero de 2014 de lunes a jueves a las 15:50 pm por NTV! felicidades al precioso Keii por este gran logro!!

agradecimientos NEWS4FANS
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martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

"Otameshika~tsu! x Qsama!!" 2hrs SP: Shige!11.18.13

Foto: ►Preview "Somosan Seppa" Shige 11.15 FUJI TV [c:hastala_vista@TP]

11.18.13"Otameshika~tsu! x Qsama!!" 2hrs SP: Shige! [full show]
[c: 聖夜の館 @fc2]

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Traducciones spilledmilk25

Se nos han  ido juntado unas pocas...  por lo que les dejo este resumen espero que algunas de estas traducciones salgan en español la verdad eso no depende de mi en este momento pero mientras tanto les comparto los links y lo que podran  ir leyendo...

recuerda usar un traductor por que todas estan en ingles 

Wink Up - 12000chara cross-talking!

For this special issue we booked a private room in a restaurant to hold a NEWS party! While the guys answer to readers' questions they chit-chat lightly, we give you the full conversation! We want to show you NEWS just as they are (lol).

wink up 12

The Television n.43~2013 - Aikotoba


During the special event held at the Tokyo Dome on 7th September to celebrate their 10th anniversary, NEWS performed for the first time a memorial song called "Aikotoba~Te wo hiite~". The song was written by the four members, let's hear about the creation process!

the television aikotoba

Chou chou ALiis 10.2013 - NEWS 10th Anniversary


Koyama Keiichiro:
Compare members to MUSCLES

chou chou alis

"Wearing last year's yukatas looking back at this summer"
One year passed since their last travel to Kyoto where they produced their own yukatas. This summer ended staying in Tokyo, so they wore their yukatas and went to spend some time in Ueno Ameyoko, where they reached a certain drama location...


girlfriends 19

PhotoShigenic #72

Today the studio got fired up talking of Tegoshi's shape memory smile. (Shape memory smile = An infallible standard smile.)
Shige and Koyama tried to imitate Tegoshi but since he does them unconsciously they didn't succeed.
Frustrated, Shige tried to take pictures of the 4 most common variations of Tegoshi's pose.
He added: "Probably he looks like this in the main article of this magazine too!"
It's absolutely cute, no doubt about it, but it's true we see these 4 poses a lot.


photoshigenic 72

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Creditos pendientes <3

So I braved the early morning crowds to line up for the special voice clock.
Luckily I got there at 6 and made it through the goods line in about an hour. They opened the goods over an hour early cuz the lines were getting too long. Once the clock sold out, the lines disappeared. It kind of looked like AraFes for a while there.

We got inside after they finished their last sound check. They were passing out wristbands and those neon stick things, which we were told to keep secret from the members and use when they gave us the signal.

The stage set up was similar to Waku Waku Gakkou except that they had arena seats too.

The opening video played various graphics for "Compass". NEWS appeared in their red outfits above the screen for "World Quest". Kei-chan teased us with a glimpse of his stomach in "Chankapana". We screamed for each member when they did their speaking parts and again when Tegoshi blew us a kiss.

Shige came to the "front"(?) stage to entertain us. I call it that because it was the stage closest to us and there wasn't a clear front or back with the set up they had.

K: Everyone! Let's celebrate together!!

"4+fan" led into the greetings.

K: Hello! I'm Koyama Keichiro! Tokyo Dome!! We're ready for fun! Are YOU ready? Are you really ready?! This is the end of summer, so let's sweat a lot! Until we're soaking wet!! When are we gonna have fun?!

Us: Now!!

M: We're back! We were looking forward to making this the best day ever together with all of you. Let's have fun! Yoroshiku!

S: Tokyo dome, we're back! This is NEWS's 10th anniversary! It's a special day we wanted to spend with you. You're here, so you like us, right?

Us: Yeah!

S: You love us?!

Us: Yeah!

S: Idiots!! We love you more!

T: Tokyo, Tegoyan here! We love you! For the past ten years, we want to express our gratitude and spend some love-love time with you. Let's make this the world's number one love-loviest time together! Princesses, until the end, your princes will do their best for you!

While we clapped out the rhythm for "4+fan", the boys moved to the front stage, performing "Nagisa no Onee Summer" next.

Everyone got their towels ready for "Koi Matsuri". That song always ends up being SO enthusiastic! Definitely the most fun for me. It was even better tonight when Kei-chan and Tegoshi had their adorable moment. Kei hugged him from behind and right as Tegoshi was singing his last part, Kei kissed him on the cheek. It was so "sexy" that Tegoshi couldn't keep singing and just trailed off. ^_^ The final sound of shot off special effect fireworks that reflected off the ceiling off the dome.

Massu was singing "Full Swing" with his cuteness level at 100%. It's a lot easier to hear the harmony parts in the dome compared to the outdoor stadiums.

The marching band made their appearance, but there were twice as many as at Chichibu. There were two different groups, facing off against each other, even accompanied by flag dancers. One was from a school while the other was Marching Band Cycle. The boys split into two groups on the large moving carts in their pop art vests for a medley of short sections of "Good NEWS", "News Nippon", "Kibou ~Yell~", and "Taiyou no Namida". Massu went by us first, with Kei-chan on the same cart. Shige and Tegoshi were on the second one, but we got lucky that all of the members faced us when they passed. We also got to sing along for part of "Kibou". Tegoshi and Kei-chan were being cute again when they leaned their heads back until they were touching each others and sang together. Kei thanked the bands as they left.

The cute dance in "Pekopon Pekorya" never gets old. The little juniors running around, clumsily trying to get into place just make it cuter. Sticking his head in between juniors dressed in heart and triangle heads, Massu pulled off his high voice, although I would have found it funner to hear his deep version again.

Hopping onto carts for "Endless Summer", they made their way through the arena to the back stage. Massu and Kei were really close went they went by! Massu disappeared briefly but came back out on the back stage where standing mics were set up for "Greedier". Their harmony was very cool. Like he does sometimes, Massu grabbed a bottle of tea, taking a swig before he had to start his solo at center stage.

Massu's sexy solo, "Remedy" always gets me with the hip thrusts.

Right at the beginning of the dance sequence, Tegoshi popped out of the stage as expected, but he must have either done it to look cool or he just lost his footing, cuz he ended up landing unsteadily on one knee. He brought up Shige, who had his hood up again. The members rotated through dropping down into the stage and springing back out. They started "Shock Me" and Tegoshi gave us his tenth kissy face of the night. Shige got a lot of screams for his choice to leave his hood up for most of the dance. He had perfect timing to pull it back when he sang "Ima Shock Me", sliding his fingers across his neck at the same time.

They moved to the front stage with the dancers in "Be Funky!" We were roaring with approval when one of the dancers next to Kei-chan rubbed his back, then lower to his butt. He was even so bold as to try and pull up Kei's shirt. The same thing must have been happening to Shige because the next second, both groups moved simultaneously. Kei-chan shoved down the dancer that had been harassing him, pinning him to the floor, slowly lowering his face closer to him. Behind him, Shige was the one on the bottom. I think there had been two dancers that had bounced on him. They got up before the end of the song and Kei's harasser light-heartedly apologized with a smirk, making Kei-chan try to smack his shoulder as he ran away.


K: Are you excited?! Tokyo! It's our 10th anniversary! We're NEWS!

All: Thank you!

K: There's... so many people here!

S: Koyama-chan, tell them.

K: There are about 60,000 people here! It's amazing! Let's celebrate this holiday together!

Kei had just told everyone to sit and relax when music began to play. It was the regular version of "Happy Birthday". We sang it to them, but after we finished "Happy Birthday Dear NEWS..........", there was this gap when people weren't sure when to jump in again and we all ended up laughing. Streamers flew out after that.

K: You did okay until the end...

Then they announced the Special Event! For each letter, they would have a separate corner.

"N" was "Natsukashii eizou" (Nostalgic pictures!).

S: Scary!

K: It'll be very scary for us, but please enjoy!

They showed everything starting from baby pictures to cute childhood shots. Kei-chan had an awesome naked picture, for which there was a comment, "Iyan <3" (No~ <3). There was one for his entrance into elementary school and him in his baseball uniform (as a weak captain). Tegoshi was mistaken for a girl because he was so feminine. (Really, he was!) Then he went and cross-dressed in another picture.

Massu's pictures were of himself as a hero, on the beach in a speedo?, playing soccer, auditioning for Kinpachi-sensei and a taiga drama. Shige reminded us his hometown is Hiroshima on his baby picture, then made us laugh with his wig in another. Shige and a watermelon were featured side by side, but the watermelon had been cut to look like a jack-o-lantern. He was so proud he'd cut it himself. He also made a good ninja.

They showed pictures of them back when they'd first debuted, but NEWS themselves popped out to sing a short snippet of their debut song, wearing the exact same clothes as from the photos. The EXACT same ones! Where do they keep that stuff?!

K: How embarrassing.

T: These are the same outfits!

K: Massu, you fit into it!

M: This is certainly a miracle.

K: Shige! You look... really uncool!

S: Don't they kind of look like pajamas?

T: But you're thin, so you can fit into it.

K: Tegoshi, yours are sort of... showy!

T: No way!

K: This wasn't how we used to be!

Tegoshi gave us his best "shallow guy" impression.

We screamed when they showed us how Kei-chan's zipper wouldn't go up all the way because he'd grown too much.

They turned their attention to Massu and how thin he looked.

M: Well, it's not like I could tell the staff, "I want you to make this baggier".

K: It's kind of scary, but they have the original footage from back then.

They showed us the video and we laughed at their high voices. Tegoshi even managed to mess up and say "zannennen". (zannen = a shame)

K: Massu's voice was terrible.

S: We must have been nervous then. Our voices were still high-pitched.

M: And stuffed up.

Kei did his impression of Massu's nasally voice.

S: That sounds more like one of those people that have a mosaic over their face. And then there was Tegoshi's "zannennen".

T: Back then, even if I was just talking normally, people told me I looked sleepy.

K: Such a shame. (Zannennen.)

S: You should make your address "zannennen" starting tomorrow!

T: Geez! (Yabai ne!)

M: But don't you think that there might be some of the people that went to that event here now?

S: Really?

K: At that time, we were waiting behind a curtain and when it opened up, those members were supposed to be a group. It's so nostalgic. The stage back then was so big.

T: We had to fix the formation on that a million times.

K: Next is NEWS's "E".

"E" was "Ii mono ageru" (We'll give you something nice)

K: I think all of you should have them. (He held up the wristbands.) NEWS's members thought of this as a present for you.

Us: Yeah!


M: Okay, that's finished.

K: But you know, only the fans that came here today will have this and it's proof you can show people that you came. You can tell them that you went to "NEWS 10th Anniversary" and prove it.

M: Would they really need to say that?

K: They could.

T: But if you think about it, just by wearing these-

K: Shut up. They can prove it with these. And when they go home on the trains today, they'll be able to tell who came and who didn't.

S: But one thing, please don't throw away only one of them somewhere, alright? Like, "Ah wait, there's a green one on the floor there..."

K: Or the staff finds a ton of purple bands left behind... But not a single yellow or pink one. And... we have a few more presents for you.

S: Yeah.

K: It's being prepared.

S: Yeah.

K: We'll just keep talking until it's ready. But should we keep wearing these outfits?

S: Koyama, you're the one who hasn't changed at all.

T: I wonder why... When we see it, it calms us.

K: Really?

S: Try saying it, "Sorajirou!" (The weather chicken mascot for News Every that Kei-chan sees at work, but doesn't have anything to do with calling the mascot himself.)

K: What? That makes no sense.

S: Like you do on "Every".

K: On "Every"?

S: Then "Ki ni naru".

K: You mean, "Onedan"? "Today's price is _". Sounds so shallow.

They got sidetracked when Shige said he wanted to go change outfits cuz his butt was starting to tingle from having shoved it inside the tight pants he was wearing. He turned around and showed us his nicely outlined butt.

K: It's starting to dig in? Go change.

M: Please forgive us.

K: We have to keep staling for time.

S: Here it comes.

There were four boxes with the member shapes on them. Kei explained how inside were prizes from each member and how those items were all their old belongings.

Us: Hoshii!! (We want them!)

They balloted to see who would get each one.

K: Then first, is it okay if I go first? This is mine!

Inside was a suit jacket and pants and a black button-up shirt.

K: Don't you recognize this everyone? Shige, Shige, you're the one who should know this the best.

S: What?

K: Something we do together.

S: Mirai Theater?

K: Yes! This is the outfit I wore for a year.

S: Ah! After a year, the outfits change. Because they don't change until the year is up.

K: If the person that gets this isn't a fan of mine and thinks, "I don't need that!", then please give it to a person who is holding an uchiwa of mine. Or a poster that's wrapped in purple.

S: But that person may have a boyfriend. They could give it to them.

K: Or they could put it on a stuffed animal at home and hug it.

He pulled out the ticket stub and read off the seat. As always, when they get to the last one, you can't hear the single person's voice so we laughed.

K: I'll put my scent on it too. Tegoyan, you want to go next?

T: You brought something really good. It's a lot of pressure.

He opened his box. There was a mini radio-controlled race car and a beat-up soccer ball.

T: There's a story behind this. First, Massu was supposed to make a course for this and I made the race car. (From Life of NEWS) And this one is a ball that I've used to warm up doing soccer at nearly every venue of this tour. It's been signed too.

S: And you kicked it nearly everyday.

T: Yeah, I did.

S: And you signed it.

T: I did.

S: It's Shining Tegopyon.

T: Shining Tegopyon.

Kei came back on stage for a few seconds to see what they were up to.

S: Ah, you put the suit on.

He'd changed into the Mirai Theater suit for the last time.

K: I had to put my sweat on it. Please don't throw it away~.

Tegoshi called out the winner and the same thing happened as before.

S: I get it. It's not easy to hear that one voice. Congrats! And there are even two items. Wait, where'd Massu go? Changing? Then, should I go?

T: Go ahead.

S: Should I open it first?

T: Yeah.

Right before he could, Massu reappeared on the stage.

S: Welcome back.

M: Hey! Why are you moving on without me?! I was getting ready. Wait! Why are you already opening it~?

S: Then, Massu, go ahead.

Massu started muttering incomprehensible complaints.

S: Massu, go ahead.

He'd put the new Wink Up magazine inside that features himself on the cover and he'd signed the inside. The interview was mostly about his fashion and style.

M: Sorry, but the rest of you here are gonna have to go buy it. Plus I'll put this inside of the magazine.

Out of the many "friendship bracelets" he had tied to his arm, that one had fallen off.

M: And if that's not enough, there's this.

He started pulling out small cans of spray paint.

M: "I'll dye you Massu's color", no, "Shige's green would be better", but no, "Not Shige, I'd rather have Tegoshi's pink. And then there's purple.

He called out the winner.

M: If you won't use the spray, please give it to someone else.

Without a pause, Shige went to open his box.

S: You may not know it, but I've released a new book and held a photo exhibition.

The pictures were a black and white street scene and a color one of Shige.

S: I didn't take this one, it was taken of me. This photo is one that I took and was put up in the photo exhibition.

K: So you choose a picture of yourself that you thought looked cool?

S: That's not it. The staff said that this one looked good.

M: Please give me a photo too~.

S: There are plenty of other ones, so you can have one of those later.

K: This would make a nice decoration.

S: You'd just have to put in a nail to hang it up.

K: They don't really have much of a reaction to this. Don't you want it?

Us: We do!

K: Can we get more of a reaction?


K: Woooooh~

We copied him.

Shige called out the last winner. He could actually hear the person who won and was surprised.

K: And we've got one more thing here.

They pulled off the blanket that had been covering the rest. There were posters, uchiwa, towels, clocks, all signed. They'd already picked the ten winners for those and would announce it on the screen at the end of the concert.

K: Next is "W".

It stood for "Watashi-tachi, seichou shimashita" (We've gotten this big!). They showed pictures starting from their debut to now. Watching them together with us, they started with Tegoshi. We laughed at his perm.

After Massu's, Kei commented that his were very "steady". They didn't change so much over the years, except for the one extreme fashion one.

S: There was an amazing one in there.

Shige's was next. We shouted at the ones that he put his bangs up and they said so.

S: Compared to the others, it looked like a gorilla.

Kei's were last.

S: Some were sort of showy.

K: Just the hair really changes.

S: At our 20th anniversary, we should do this again.

K: I don't want Tegoshi to grow a beard!

The last was "S", "Special song".

K: For this day, we produced a song together!

M: We started from talking about making one.

S: Let's go over there.

M: The title is "Aikotoba ~ Te wo hiite" (Password ~ Take out the "te"s). You want to propose to the person you'd been going out with for 10 years. And those 10 years will become the theme for the song.

S: So in a word, it's about a "10th anniversary".

While Massu and Shige were talking seriously about the song, trailing behind them were Tegoshi and Kei. Tegoshi gave Kei a water bottle he'd picked up from the staff to drink and when Kei passed it back, naturally, he took a swig from the same bottle.

T: We made it during the tour, in the hotels after the concerts.

K: We thought about what we wanted to put into the song from even before the tour, so please listen "Aikotoba ~ Te wo hiite~"

"Tezutettetotte" is a word they use in the song as a kind of password. According to the titled, if you take out the "te"s in the word てずてってとって , it makes ずっと, or zutto (always/forever).

The song was pretty, with a lot of interesting phrases in it.

S: Love anniversary.

K: Our message is included in it.

M: It's like using "love" as a "password".

K: Check your answers with each other later.

They made another surprise announcement.

K: The song we just performed, the live performance, on September 15th, just one day, it will be available to view on Johnnys Web.

S: From midnight, only one day... And this is the first time for Johnnys to do this too.

K: It's a really great thing. That was our first performance of it, so thank you for listening. And since it's our anniversary, then we should take a picture to commemorate it.

S: For our 10th anniversary.

K: Since this is so special, from the 15th to the 31st, at all Johnnys Shops, we'll have the picture that we'll take now available, so please check it out. We should take a nice picture.

So what do they do? They make kissy faces and peace signs. ^_^

S: Tegoshi, have you memorized that smile?

T: Eh?

S: That's the same one you always give recently! Your perfect smile.

T: It is not!

K: In magazines, there are times when all the pictures from a full month are exactly the same!

S: Let's try one more time.

They did it again, but Tegoshi loves to egg them on, so he put on his "perfect smile".

S: Oi! It's the same!

T: It can't be helped!

K: That took a while, but now that the event part is over, let's get back to the concert. I'm gonna go get changed.

S: So that means that Koyama's solo is next?

K: You don't have to tell them that!

S: Hurry up and get changed. Then since we have time, let's do it. At Chichibu and other places, we did a wave with the penlights, so we want to try that again.

M: Have you got your penlights? Whoever doesn't, put your spirit into your fist!

S: Most everyone has it.

M: But the ones that don't, put your spirit into your fist.

Massu began explaining the pattern they wanted to use, stretching from one side of the dome, all the way around and lastly, through the arena.

S: And then! Everybody turn them on flash mode. What yell should we use to start it? "Yoi, hai?" "10th anniversary?"

The lights turned completely off, expect the emergency ones.

They went with the yell of "NEWS", "Love Anniversary".

Shige was touched by how pretty the lights were going around. The third floor slowed down and Tegoshi urged them to catch up. After the arena finished, everyone turned them to flash mode, making a starry sky inside the dome.

S: It's great! And if you've noticed, there are a lot of cameras here tonight.

T: Meaning a new DVD!

We cheered at the great news.

It was time for the second half and Massu ordered, "Stand up, bow, sit." (Standard school greeting). Tegoshi inticided us by saying there would be plenty of sexy parts.

T: Here's NEWS's Leader, Kei-chan!

After the video of him in the rain, laser shot through out the dome for his solo, "Beautiful Rain".

The ballads, "Ichioku Sanzenman Bun no Futari no Kiseki" and "Summer Time" were at the center stage. They sat down on the edge of the stage for "Summer Time". After that was "Cherish", where we tried to follow along with hand movements and sing along with them.

Shige came out in his orange/pink suit with his dancers for "Dreamcatcher". At the beginning, he stood out in the dark standing next to a standing mic that was lit up. The "blond Shige" was singing on the screens with him.

At the far back stage, a piano began to play the opening to "Lovin' You". Tegoshi had his guitar ready and started to sing, "Sayonara, yukkuri-... I messed up on the lyrics." We were laughing while he cried out, "Stop! Please let me do it one more time!" Then he gave us that really half-hearted, "Gomen ne, gomen ne~" (Sorry, sorry), that comedians and entertainers use sometimes.

He got it right after that. I still like the version at Chichibu the most, but the full band was cool too. They were on a small moving stage that slowly drifted toward the center stage. He told us "thank you" with a sweet smile.

A video of their sexy poses played before they popped out for the dance segment. The screens had been lowered all the way down and the word "Liar" blazed up in fire on them. Each member was on one side in front of the square screens, wearing their glittering suits. Massu was facing us. Part way though the song, the screens split into two and from in between them, there were dancers in the center.

Chairs were set up on stage and Tegoshi jumped off his to start "Besame Mucho". There were a lot of lasers for this song, but the following "Dance in the Dark" left a bit more of an impression on us. There was colored fire (blue, red, green). We screamed at Massu's "I love you", but we screamed even more for the hip thrusts they graced us with, in particular, when they sang "doku doku shiteru". My personal favorite was that Kei-chan didn't just brush his fingers past his crotch like in Chichibu, he full out grabbed it! Tegoshi had a pretty awesome evil laugh to close the song.

Moving out the sides to the large carts in "Fighting Man", they spent the next several songs, "Akaku Moyuru Taiyou", "Teppen", and "Sayaendou", throwing signed balls and small plushies out to the crowd. Tegoshi and Kei-chan kissed a few of their balls before throwing them. First, Tegoshi and Massu passed us during "Hadashi no Cinderella Boy". The carts went all the way around the dome while they sang "Hoshi wo Mezashite" and "Sakura Girl".

Kei opened "Koi no ABO" with his "you-tachi, nani gata?" We yelled out the types as loud as we could. Shige sang part of the wrong line ("Such a cute na smile odorou ze") and smiled shyly. Massu used a cute, high tension yell for "Massu na hip ni bump!!" Shige resang the right line, but soon after Tegoshi forgot half of one of his lines.

The staff set up rising stands that happened to be right in front of us! I was praying it would be Kei-chan directly in front. In "Weeeek", Shige stuck his face right into the camera. The jinx of missing lines continued when Kei forgot part of one of his. ^_^

The members started to move for the stands, but Kei was late and had to run to get there for "Higher Ground". Shige and Massu were on the far side, leaving only Tegoshi and Kei for our side. I got my wish! Kei-chan was smack in front of us!! During the song, they shot out colored glitter that matched their member color. The rising stands they use jolt when they start to retract back down, but it startled Kei-chan so bad that he made a cute scared face, clinging to the bar for support. He worriedly leaned out to glance down at how far up he was.

The members gathered at the front stage for their speeches. Tegoshi was first, slowly walking back to the center stage.

T: Thank you! It was SO fun and I'm REALLY happy. Somehow, we managed to make it through these past 10 years. When I look around, what we experienced was probably different from what other groups do. But these 10 years, there were many times when we made you sad or worried. Going on this tour, hearing your voices, seeing your smiles, being supported by you, I thought that NEWS fans are amazing. You guys are great!

To tell the truth, some of you may know this but there were many times when NEWS almost fell apart in these ten years. It wouldn't have been strange if we'd just disappeared. Like I mentioned before, I'd only ever done soccer and yet I joined Johnnys and luckily got put into the group NEWS. My life completely changed after that. With this group, these members, let's aim for the top, I thought. I didn't want to lose. I wanted to be number one in Johnnys. With that group, those members, I wanted to become a NEWS that would bring happiness to not only girls, but to everyone in Japan.

But when I realized it, there were times when we didn't have any work, and our feelings and ways of thinking didn't match up. Like if I wanted to go on a country-wide tour, but we'd only end up doing Tokyo and Osaka. It wasn't supposed to be like this. And yet I still thought I wanted to give it another try, not to sound cool, but because all of you were there.

Last year, the four of us became NEWS. There was a possibility that I would have just stayed at Tegomasu. That we wouldn't be accepted 100% until we put in a lot of work. But we put out Chankapana, went around the country seeing your faces, and I thought that I was so happy that we could continue this. I started thinking that more and more.

Going on this tour and making it to our 10th anniversary, it doesn't really feel like 10 years because there were times when we didn't have any activities. And to do an event now? Would you support us? "Ah, with this NEWS, we can do Tokyo Dome..." Even though I thought that we might not be able to come back to this place.

In Johnnys, it's big enough that if you debut, you may get fans and can perform at a dome soon, but we started with halls and arenas, and we were frustrated that we couldn't do the usual domes. Although we thought we wouldn't make it back here, when they told us it had been decided, we were so happy that we didn't know what to say.

Normally, I call you my girlfriends, my honeys, but really... I just love you guys!

Since I was born as Tegoshi Yuya and met all of you, I've never been so happy. It's so much that I want to keep saying it over and over. We want to give back to you, give back ten times as much. So that more than food, more than baths, more than sleeping, you'll think of Yuya. That's the kind of Tegoshi Yuya that I want to be. I want to be Johnnys group that you'll give your number one smile to. Though this "my pace banchou" may cause you to worry sometimes. Sometimes call you girlfriend... sometimes mess up on lyrics.

Everything that's happened until now and everything that will happen, to me, is NEWS's peace. Please keep supporting us forever. Thank you for 10 years!

Tegoshi left the stage to get changed and up next was Shige.

S: Thank you for today. After crying so much last year, we weren't sure how we should do today's concert. Being surrounded by so many people, it makes me happier than anything. But of course, that includes the fans that couldn't be here, that stopped being fans. That's why from the bottom of my heart, I'm grateful that you would come for us.

The four of us made a song and sang it here, but as you know, this is the second time. Back then, it was six of us that sang "Share". Writing the new song, I tried to think back to what the Kato Shigeaki back then was feeling and from that, the line "Whether it's for forever or just up until now, the people that stayed next to us, the ones that didn't, thank you" was born.

At the very least, we've always "shared" NEWS with the 65,000 people that are here and all of the members, Massu, Koyama, Tegoshi, think it's great, that it's wonderful. Please keep looking after us. Thank you!

He got a little shy before telling us, "Using one of our lyrics to put it simply, 'Up until now, from now on, and forever and ever, we love you.'"

Massu came out next, holding a towel and reply "Massu da yo" to our screams.

M: Thank you for today! Um, well... fifteen years ago...

He started tearing up.

M: Haaa~

Then he shoved the towel to his face and cried for a bit. When he pulled himself together, he started again.

M: Fifteen years ago.... for the first time.... I performed at Kinki Kids' concert....

He was still crying and had a hard time talking.

M: It was when I was 12, a sixth grader. Back then, there were so many fans that came and dancing there, I thought... (Holding back tears) How are so many people able to get together at the same place, at the same time....

Laughing at himself, he cried some more.

M: The four of us made our comeback with "Utsukushii Koi ni Suru", but my dream to perform at the Dome that I'd kept saying didn't come true. Because we weren't sure where we wanted to go from there or what we should do, we couldn't make it to the Dome. But with this tour, for this event and live, the staff made our dream come true.

Crying again, he held up his towel to us.

M: I thought that I'd probably cry so I brought my towel with me.

For me, no matter what, I wanted to do the outfits for this tour so I asked the members. I wanted to make things more exciting in my own way.

And after designing them, I think that they turned out to be fabulous outfits.

He said so with a laugh, though he was still crying.

M: This month it's our 10th anniversary. Being supported by all of you, we made it to this day. There's still more we can do, but for now, I'm so happy. When we have the next NEWS tour and perform at the Dome, please come to see us. Thank you.

Massu shuffled over to the stairs where Kei was climbing out and Kei-chan grabbed Massu in a hug before he left. Even Kei was looking teary-eyed.

He held up the towel he was carrying.

K: I thought I might cry, so I brought this. Massu, kanben shite kure! (Massu, give me a break! or in other words, "You're gonna make me cry too!")

He looked upwards until he thought he was okay.

K: Thank you for today. 10 years have passed, but when we debuted 10 years ago, I never thought that 10 years later, I'd be Leader. Or that I'd be so bullied. Many new things are happening inside our group. But over 10 years, one thing that's never changed is that I love NEWS. I won't pretend that anything didn't happen, since it's thanks to all of those times in the past that we're here now.

After we became four, how we thought changed and we just wanted to be near you all. Closer to you. Even if the place that we preform is bigger, there's no way that we'd want you to feel any kind of distance to us. No matter where we go, we want to hold hands with you.

In Johnnys, there are many groups and from them, we're so happy that you chose NEWS. We want to show you a happiness that you can only get from NEWS.

I'm always saying it, but it'd be great if NEWS could support you in your lives, whether it's at school, work or with your friends. When you have tough times, NEWS will support you. Thanks to the fans' support over these 10 years, we made it. If you weren't there, then I wouldn't have been able to say, "I'm NEWS's Koyama Keiichiro."

I'm really grateful for it. It might be normal for other groups, but now, we're serious. We know there's no going back and that we've got to try our hardest to... go forward... Sorry...

He was trying so hard not to cry.

K: I'll get stronger, because I'm the Leader. I won't cry... I won't, even though I brought a towel.

We'll make you happy. This is a proposal from me. Even if we're apart, if you try to fool around with someone else, that's cheating on us!

I'm the Leader of our group and that makes me the Leader of the fans too. So I'm ordering you! Zutto tsuite koi!!! (Always follow us!!)


Us: Woooo~!

K: I might be an unreliable leader and inexperienced, but please look after us!

We'd like to sing one more song to encourage you for tomorrow. "Cry"

At center stage, they performed the last song of the second half while a huge "10th" shone on the ceiling of the dome.

All: Thank you!

T: It was so fun!

K: Thank you for giving us your precious time today.

We called out their name all together as they bowed.

More streamers flew out and I managed to grab one of them, along with the three from before (Purple, yellow, and green... Sorry, Tegoshi! But I have your neon stick, so it's okay!).

The first encore began with us chanting "NEWS" until the members came back out. It was really funny how all of us stopped at exactly the same moment when a notice on the screen came up to pull out our neon sticks and then restarted.

They appeared above the screens at center stage for "Happy Birthday". We screamed in approval at how adorable Kei-chan and Massu looked with the hair clips holding their bangs up. It was a cross between stylish and just sticking straight up.

While it lowered down, there was a camera inside the screen that the members made kissy faces at. Shige had fun making funny faces too. For "4+fan", Kei came to the front stage to sing to us. Shige had jumped off the side runway and was walking along the bottom by the audience. He walked right passed us too!

Though that just made him late getting back to the center stage for introducing the dancers. They said their names one by one, but Kei-chan purposefully (?) messed up one of them, making him stumble.

S: What is that in your hands?

Us: Yeah!

K: What is it?

S: It's amazing!

K&S: Did you prepare them on your own?!

T: Was it planned?

K: Did you practice it?

All: Thank you!

K: Can we bring the sound down? We were thinking that we couldn't just end it like this. Since this is the last concert, you want to have fun, right?

Us: Yeah!

K: Then get your towels out. We'll use it as much as we can. Junbi okay? (Ready?)

Us: Okay!

As they said, we swung our towels as hard as we could for "Koi Matsuri". Tegoshi was singing, but because he was feeling so happy, he gave up and yelled, "Ah... I love you guys!".

K: Yeah! Amazing! Thank you! You made it a great 10th anniversary. Thank you!

Tokyo Dome's really hot, isn't it?

Us: Yeah!

K: It'd be great if the Olympics come to Tokyo, right?

Us: Yeah!

S: That's tomorrow!

K: Yes, it is. If the Olympics come to Tokyo, let's have fun with it!

Since you all gave us your cheers before, we want to give a loud voice back to you. Listen carefully.

They put their backs to each other, facing outwards to the fans. They were kind of clumsy getting into position, so we laughed.

K: It'll be a pretty loud voice too.

Without their mics, they screamed at the top of their lungs, "Thank you!!"

K: Keep following NEWS!

All: Thank you!

K: Always follow us!!

T: Bye bye!

Shige tried for a cool "thank you".

After we chanted their name a bit, they came back out.

K: We'd just went back there... Did you call us?

Us: Yeah!

K: Thank you. It makes us happy.

They each gave us one last greeting.

Us: Shige!

S: It's not easy to look back on 10 years, but we're happy that the fans were here. So for the next, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 (He went on and on) years, please keep supporting us.

M: Thank you! (Us: Massu!!) Massu da yo. I was really happy that so many of you would come here for this special day. 10 years may have passed, but we'll keep working hard to make more good things happen for you.

Us: Tego!!

T: Nanda yo! (What!) You like me that much?!

Us: Yeah!

T: We sure are a happy group, aren't we? (said matter-of-factually with a smile)

K: Don't be so love-struck! And stop flirting with them!

T: I really think you're all so cute. We're really happy and it was great to see all your smiles. We kept thinking about who would we meet at the next venue. It was a short time, but we have no regrets about this tour. We'll keep giving back to the fans forever, until you're all grandmas and grandpas. Your four princes will do their best to make you happy. Please look after us!

Us: Kei-chan!

K: Nanda yo! You like me that much?!

Us: Yeah!

K: ... I just can't do that... Thank you. We didn't think the four of us would be able to make it to Tokyo Dome. It's thanks to all the fans, even the ones that couldn't come here today, that we did it. We'd like to show our gratitude by continuing different activities and although there may be times when we can't hold a tour, we'll do our best to make sure that you won't be lonely. So that we can see this same kind of scenery together with you again, please keep supporting us!

To motivate us, so that we'll want to return here, would you call our name one more time?

Us: Yeah!

K: We'll use the power you give us to keep going forward. Ready? Our name is...!!

We held out "NEWS" as long as we could.

K: Yoroshiku ne! Thank you! Be careful going home!

T: See you again!

Shige was still trying to act cool. "Let's meet again."

The concert ended at 9:45.

Got out without much of a problem and tried to write as much of the report as I could before I started to fall asleep at my computer. I still need another nap.

The clock is really funny, by the way. Shige's would give me a heart-attack if I set that in the morning.

And can you believe it?! Tokyo hit for the 2020 Olympics!! Can't wait to see what'll happen in the future.

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